Saturday, July 23, 2011


Here is my workout log from July 1 until now. Note that during this time span, I took 4 days off to visit Worcester where I literally ate my body weight in ice cream and didn't work out at all. Since I got home I have also been in sort of a work out funk and have been pretty lazy...

Shredded 16 times. I would say 10 times on Level 2 and 6 times on Level 1, approximately, though I didn't keep track.

Walked 9.7 miles (not including walking around Worcester or other daily walking)
Ran 8.8 miles.

I'm posting this update because I am starting my workout log over again. I have 26 days to get to 30 shreds (before I see Cullen again!) and I also am going to be starting to run more regularly to train for the Philadelphia marathon in November (eep!).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 8

Today was a pretty typical Shred day.

My quads started seriously hurting halfway through. The second minute of side  lunges I did pikeups with weights – I figured this simulated the same shoulder muscles, involved my quads a little bit, and gave me an extra minute of abs. I tried to stretch them out really good afterward, hopefully they are fine.

I also don’t think I will be shredding tomorrow due to having my wisdom teeth out. Let’s face it, I’m not going to wake up at like 7 to do it, especially since I can’t eat or drink anything. Oh well. Wish me luck on my teeth extraction, I HATE needles and I’m not looking forward to waking up with giant holes in my mouth eitherrr.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 7

So I missed Shredding yesterday... I just didn't feel like it all day and my ankle was really sore from my run on Monday so I didn't want to aggravate it any further. Then this morning I woke up with an awful headache which refused to go away all day today. However, my ankle soreness was gone, so that's good.

Originally my plan was to do the Shred twice today to make up for yesterday. I cranked out the first Shred, which went fine. I ended up not attempting to do real push-ups due to my headache (which was THROBBING every time anything involved jumping or laying down, aka half of the video, boo), but maybe tomorrow.

However, when I started the tape for a second time, when I got to the first set of squats my upper quad/hip flexor area started to feel really uncomfortable. Not just a "this muscle is tired" kind of way, but in a "this activity is putting strain on something it shouldn't be" way. So I am just giving up and perhaps I will make it up, perhaps not (since I'm counting this as Day 7, that just means I will Shred 30 times in 31 days).

Whatever. Now I just want to go lie down.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 6

Today I was super athletic!

First, I started Day 6 of the Shred before my dentist appointment. Somehow I got the times confused and ended up being only halfway through when I had to leave! I had to take the fastest shower of my lifeee and sprint out the door without finishing.

Then, after dinner I ended up doing the Shred with Brittany. She had 4 lb weights and thought it was pretty hard so maybe she won't judge me as much now haha. I've definitely gotten better at push ups, yay. I think I might be almost ready to stop doing girly pushups :) My hardest thing now is the anterior raises with the side lunge.

After we did the shred, we decided to go for a run. We ran down this straight road near her house that ends at Irondequoit Bay. We ended up going all the way to the end of the road and then turning around, which turned out to be 4.7 miles. Brit runs FAST whereas I like to go a more conversational pace, but by the end we slowed down to about 10.00 pace and it was all good. Then we ate a brownie and completely negated all physical activity :)

1/5 of the way done with the 30 Day Shred :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 5

Woohoo! Halfway done with Level 1. It's definitely getting easier... Circuit one wasn't so much of a bear today, and I pretty much made it through the whole thing only stopping once or twice. I think I figured out the secret to both sets of lunges. For the regular lunges, keep your feet at least shoulder width apart, and for the side lunges the trick is to just stick your butt out/down in whichever direction you're going in. Sounds weird, but it made it a lot easier for me (and required less coordination!).

Brit and I woke up this morning and went running. I think we did 2.8 miles in 29 minutes. We were going pretty slow but we were chatting the whole time. It was nice to have some uninterrupted time with her! Then I came home and put off doing the Shred until the last possible moment...

I am still struggling with doing push-ups. I'm even doing girl push-ups and I still can't really do them for 30 seconds straight! I have never liked doing push-ups, I've always sucked at them (I remember in high school doing fitness testing and being able to do like...12 in a row... that's it.) so I guess nothing has changed!

I've also pretty much got Level 1 memorized. It's sometimes annoying because you'd think Strength circuit should only take 3 minutes, but then it ends up taking like 4 because she explains the exercise and waits for a minute. Other times I grab a quick drink during those times and then am thankful for it! I also started turning the sound off...I don't need to hear Jillian jabbering on the same thing over and over again! I can't wait to get to Level 2 and have new exercises to do! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 4

I think it is getting a  little easier to do. I don't know why the first circuit always seems so hard to me... I would think that my shoulders would be strong!

Supremely unmotivated today, but I told myself it had to get done before I left the house to go to Brit's apt, and I managed to find motivation.

Friday, June 10, 2011

My knee has been hurting all night tonight. I've never really had any knee problems before, so I'm not sure if this is normal or what. It kind of feels like I've been sitting cross legged for a REALLY long period of time, and then when you stand up and try to walk, your knee is a little creaky and achy. It's not stabbing pain or anything, but it doesn't seem to be going away either. Anyway, just wanted to make a note of this!